Friday, September 11, 2015

Post 97 - A shambolic build-up

This really isn't how it should be...

I've felt rough since last Friday. Every night I have gone to bed hoping I'd wake up feeling better.Every morning, I haven't felt better. I've been snotty, with a sore head, feeling freezing cold, weak, with no energy and, for the first time in my 5-year Ironman career, my motivation has been down. I should be like a greyhound in a trap, ready to burst out and tear up the Ironman. Instead, I'm like a listless sloth. Wednesday at work was particularly bad as I was struck with horrendous stomach cramps. Literally like there was a massive knife in my stomach. I was bent over my desk, unable to walk. It was really bad. Thankfully, the stomach cramps passed within a few hours, but the rest of the problems haven't gone away.

The weather forecast for Wales is bad too. Windy and wet. They've already been talking about cancelling the swim. It's not a fun bike course in bad weather, it's really exposed out on the western section, and wet roads would make it pretty hairy. I've been questioning all week whether I should go or not. Realistically, I don't believe that I have any chance of qualifying. The last week or two have not been what I need.

I was meant to be travelling down to Wales with housemate Steve this morning, but he has been down with gastroenteritis all of this week and has been spending plenty of time on the toilet, so he was in no position to drive for 5-6 hours today. Unless we drilled a hole in his driver's seat... So I'm a long way from Wales right now, and I've had another serious think this morning about bailing out. But again, I keep finding ways and reasons to go. If this is to be my last Ironman, I don't want it to end without even having started it. I'd rather it ended on the finish line, regardless of how I get there, or how long it takes me to get there. And maybe a miracle will happen and the triathlon gods will have sympathy with the bad luck I've had so far in my Ironman career, and maybe everything will go perfectly, and I'll qualify... actually, no, that won't happen.

Anyway, I've rented a car and have spent most of the day getting my stuff together. I'll head down to Wales very early tomorrow. I reckon it'll be at least a 5-hour drive. Registration closes in Tenby at 1pm. So it will be an early start. And I'll go and race, regardless of how bad I feel, I'll go out and race however best I can, and deal with the conditions as best I can, and whatever will happen will happen. No expectations.

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